Our Prayers saved Nigeria from Ebola says Pentecostal Pastors

09 Oct 2014

Our Prayers saved Nigeria from Ebola says Pentecostal Pastors

Photo source: Wikipedia


Abuja - The association of Pentecostal Churches has congratulated the Governor of Lagos Sate, Mr Raji Babalola Fashola, on successfully containing the Ebola outbreak in Nigeria.

Pentecostal Pastors and other Miracle workers were accused of being uncharacteristically silent during the Ebola crisis  in Lagos. These, according to commentators, are Pastors who regularly make prophecies and yet not one of them saw the outbreak coming or predicted when it would eventually be eradicated. 

Angry observers also noted that Pastors who could restore sight to the blind, return hearing to the deaf, and even raise the dead, did not cure one Ebola patient while the crisis lasted.

Speaking at the State House during a courtesy visit to Governor Fashola, the spokesman for the Pastors reacted to the peoples' accusations and  revealed that the arrival of Ebola in Nigeria had been revealed to several pastors before the Liberian who brought the deadly virus to Nigeria arrived on the shores of the country through Lagos airport.

The spokesman further revealed that Pastors had secretly embarked on serious praying and fasting on behalf of Nigeria and it was the result of the fasting and praying that made sure the virus arrived through Lagos and not another State.

The spokesman  pointed out that had Ebola arrived through any other state in Nigeria apart from Lagos, we would now be talking of millions of people with Ebola instead of congratulating Lagos on defeating the virus. 

"Our hot prayers," he said "is why the virus came through Lagos and not somewhere else."

This explanation has however not gone down well with ordinary Nigerians.

Observers have pointed out a major flaw in the argument, namely that it is a well known fact that it is the strategic thinking and intervention of PDP President Jonathan Goodluck that saved Nigeria from the hands of Ebola and not the doctors and nurses of Lagos state who acted quickly, professionally, intelligently, and  sacrificed their lives to make sure that the virus did not spread in the worlds most populous black Nation.

- Justan Otherreporter 

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