UNILAG student uses magnets to disprove gay marriage: Alumni invite GEJ to rename school
19 Sep 2013

Lagos - A university of Lagos student, Mr Chibuihem Amalaha, has used magnets to prove that gay marriage is wrong.
The young scientist carried out his research in the laboratories of the university, where he observed that similar poles of a magnet repel. He concluded that this proves that two men or two women should repel.
His observation, though controversial, was recently proven in the Nigerian house of representatives where male house members, in close proximity to each other, where repulsed by their neighbours and ended up beating each other up to regain their space.
The young scientist, who is now tipped to be a future recipient of the Member of the Niger honour, has however gained enemies of progress who are envious of his ground breaking discoveries.
Chief amongst his detractors is the association of Unilag alumni. Following publication of Mr Amalaha discovery, the association, which formerly challenged President Goodluck Jonathan's unilateral decision to rename the school, have sent a letter of apology to Mr President and invited him to commence with the name change and to backdate the event to any date prior to Amalaha's scientific discovery.
- Jowo Mabinu